Precipitation - daily unvalidated precipitation sum in near real time
-PROVISONALLY UNVALIDATED DATA- Gridded files of daily unvalidated precipitation sum in the Netherlands measured on 100-300 locations of the voluntary network from 08:00-08:00 UT. Grids are calculated based on unvalidated data (limited number of stations) as soon as the data is available, typically around 14:00. The data has only been automatically pre-validated. The complete validated dataset is Rd1. Version 2 is based on RobuKIS source data.
- Datum (publicatie)
- 2018-04-19
- Versie
- Identifier
- urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::Rd1nrt/2/
- Doel van vervaardiging
LCW / Netherlands Hydrological modelling Instrument (NHI)
- Status
- continu geactualiseerd
- Contactgegevens voor de data
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Herzieningsfrequentie
- dagelijks
DG Discovery Properties Vocabulary 1.0
- Trefwoorden
Open data
- Gebruiksbeperkingen
PROVISIONALLY UNVALIDATED DATA - use dataset Rd1 for validated data
- (Juridische) toegangsrestrictie
- anders
- Overige beperkingen
- Veiligheidsrestricties
- vrij toegankelijk
- Ruimtelijk schema
- grid
- Afstand
- 1000 meters
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Onderwerp
- klimatologie, meteorologie atmosfeer
- Begindatum
- 2018-01-01
- Einddatum
- 9999-12-31
- Aanvullende informatie
- Referentiesysteem identifier
- Distributie formaat
Naam Versie NetCDF
- Distributeur contact
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Bestands grootte
- 0.5
- OnLine bronnen
Protocol URL Naam landingpage KNMI Data Platform
- Niveau kwaliteitsbeschrijving
- dataset
- Algemene beschrijving herkomst
The interpolation method is ordinary kriging. Observations are square root transformed and back-transformed after interpolation using quantiles calculation. For every day a variogram is automatically fitted. The nugget is zero and the variogrammodel is spherical or exponential, depending on the best fit. The dates in the file name refer to the end-time and start-time of the measurement. The measurement at 08:00 UT (end-time) is assigned to the file in the folder of the preceding day on the FTP server as 2/3 of the measurement period falls on the preceding day. In other words: the measurement with the end-time 19810102T080000 is assigned to the folder 1981/01/01 on the FTP server or in the tar-file. The number of observations varies from 100 to 310. Therefore the dataset may be less accurate than the validated dataset (Rd1).
- Metadata ID
- b556ed60-414b-490f-a3fe-1ca0307aa750 XML
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Hierarchisch niveau
- dataset
- Metadata datum
- 2024-12-02T07:23:35.449Z
- Metadata standaard naam.
ISO 19115
- Metadata standaard versie
ISO 19115:2003 NL Kernset 1.3 KNMI 1.1
- Metadata auteur
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Landinstelling
Taalcode Tekencodering Nederlands; Vlaams Engels utf8