Precipitation - historic gridded daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands for 1910-2015 transformed to KNMI14 climate scenario 2050 GL
Historic gridded files of daily precipitation sum in the Netherlands from 1910-2015 based on observations of the voluntary network. The time interval is 08:00-08:00 UT. The number of observations varies: 1910-1951 (102), 1951-2015 (260). Transformed to KNMI14 climate scenario 2050 GL.
- Datum (publicatie)
- 2016-10-08
- Versie
- Identifier
- urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::RDH50GL/2/
- Doel van vervaardiging
Netherlands Hydrological modelling Instrument (NHI)
- Status
- compleet
- Contactgegevens voor de data
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Herzieningsfrequentie
- indien nodig
DG Discovery Properties Vocabulary 1.0
- Gebruiksbeperkingen
No use limitations
- (Juridische) toegangsrestrictie
- anders
- Overige beperkingen
- Veiligheidsrestricties
- vrij toegankelijk
- Ruimtelijk schema
- grid
- Afstand
- 1000 meters
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Onderwerp
- klimatologie, meteorologie atmosfeer
- Begindatum
- 1910-01-01
- Einddatum
- 2016-01-01
- Aanvullende informatie
Product description is available at More information about KNMI’14 climate change scenarios is available at
- Referentiesysteem identifier
- Distributie formaat
Naam Versie NetCDF
- Distributeur contact
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Bestands grootte
- 55.0
- OnLine bronnen
Protocol URL Naam landingpage KNMI Data Platform
- Niveau kwaliteitsbeschrijving
- dataset
- Algemene beschrijving herkomst
The interpolation method is ordinary kriging. Observations are square root transformed and back-transformed after interpolation using quantiles calculation. For every day a variogram is automatically fitted. The nugget is zero and the variogrammodel is spherical or exponential, depending on the best fit. The maxdist parameter is not set. The dates in the file name refer to the end-time and start-time of the measurement. The measurement at 08:00 UT (end-time) is assigned to the the layer in the NetCDF file server as 2/3 of the measurement period falls on the preceding day. In other words: the measurement with the end-time 19810102T080000 is assigned to 1981/01/01.See product description for clime scenarios transformation details.
- Metadata ID
- a58c9a72-5605-4f8d-8d9e-06ba9de84599 XML
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Hierarchisch niveau
- dataset
- Metadata datum
- 2024-12-02T07:23:25.525Z
- Metadata standaard naam.
ISO 19115
- Metadata standaard versie
ISO 19115:2003 NL Kernset 1.3 KNMI 1.1
- Metadata auteur
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Landinstelling
Taalcode Tekencodering Nederlands; Vlaams Engels utf8