High-resolution maps of ground-based observations for the Netherlands
Based on a combination of ground-based observations from multiple networks, this data set provides high-resolution maps of surface weather in the Netherlands. We have developed an innovative way of statistically blending (a) weather observations from our official network, (b) citizen weather observations from the wow.knmi.nl network and (c) land cover type. This statistical blend results in weather maps which have a much higher spatial detail as well as higher local accuracy than maps based only on our official network. In addition, we provide not only a best estimate, but also a quantified uncertainty estimate of the local weather. Currently, we provide this service for air temperature, but we are in the process of extending the service to 10 m wind speed, relative humidity and 10 m wind gust.
- Datum (publicatie)
- 2024-09-30
- Versie
- Identifier
- urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::high_resolution_weather_maps/1.0/
- Doel van vervaardiging
Provides detailed and high-fidelity observation-based estimate of the weather at any location in the Netherlands
- Status
- continu geactualiseerd
- Contactgegevens voor de data
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Herzieningsfrequentie
- continu
DG Discovery Properties Vocabulary 1.0
- Trefwoorden
Open data
- Gebruiksbeperkingen
No use limitations
- (Juridische) toegangsrestrictie
- anders
- Overige beperkingen
- Veiligheidsrestricties
- vrij toegankelijk
- Ruimtelijk schema
- grid
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Onderwerp
- klimatologie, meteorologie atmosfeer
- Begindatum
- 2024-09-30
- Einddatum
- 9999-12-31
Verticale dekking
- Minimum waarde
- 0
- Maximum waarde
- 10
- Aanvullende informatie
Data based on KNMI network, WOW network (source data - Met Office: https://wow.metoffice.gov.uk/) and CORINE land use
- Referentiesysteem identifier
- http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326
- Distributie formaat
Naam Versie NetCDF
- Distributeur contact
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- OnLine bronnen
Protocol URL Naam landingpage
https://dataplatform.knmi.nl/catalog/datasets/index.html?x-dataset=high_resolution_weather_maps&x-dataset-version=1.0 KNMI Data Platform
- Niveau kwaliteitsbeschrijving
- dataset
- Algemene beschrijving herkomst
Data based on KNMI network, WOW network (source data - Met Office: https://wow.metoffice.gov.uk/) and CORINE land use
- Metadata ID
- 92589c32-5bd1-11ef-8a7e-3ce9f7462b93 XML
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Hierarchisch niveau
- dataset
- Metadata datum
- 2024-11-01T07:35:11.356Z
- Metadata standaard naam.
ISO 19115
- Metadata standaard versie
ISO 19115:2003 NL Kernset 1.3 KNMI 2.1.0
- Metadata auteur
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Landinstelling
Taalcode Tekencodering Nederlands; Vlaams Engels utf8