Precipitation - 5 minute precipitation accumulations from climatological gauge-adjusted radar dataset for The Netherlands (1 km) in KNMI HDF5 format
Climatological radar rainfall dataset of 5 minute precipitation depths at a 1-km grid, which have been adjusted employing validated and complete rain gauge data from both KNMI rain gauge networks. This dataset is updated once a month providing data up to a few months ago.
- Datum (publicatie)
- 2017-09-27
- Versie
- Identifier
- urn:xkdc:ds:nl.knmi::rad_nl25_rac_mfbs_5min/2.0/
- Status
- continu geactualiseerd
- Contactgegevens voor de data
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Herzieningsfrequentie
- maandelijks
DG Discovery Properties Vocabulary 1.0
- Trefwoorden
Open data
- Gebruiksbeperkingen
No use limitations
- (Juridische) toegangsrestrictie
- anders
- Overige beperkingen
- Veiligheidsrestricties
- vrij toegankelijk
- Ruimtelijk schema
- grid
- Afstand
- 1000 meters
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Onderwerp
- klimatologie, meteorologie atmosfeer
- Begindatum
- 2007-12-31
- Einddatum
- 9999-12-31
- Aanvullende informatie
- Referentiesysteem identifier
- +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0.0 +lat_ts=60.0 +a=6378.137 +b=6356.752 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
- Distributie formaat
Naam Versie HDF5
- Distributeur contact
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- OnLine bronnen
Protocol URL Naam landingpage KNMI Data Platform
- Niveau kwaliteitsbeschrijving
- dataset
- Algemene beschrijving herkomst
Climatological radar rainfall dataset of 5 minute precipitation depths, which have been adjusted employing validated and complete rain gauge data from both KNMI rain gauge networks. Based on the composites of radar reflectivities from both KNMI weather radars (De Bilt at 52.103 degrees N, 5.179 degrees E and Den Helder at 52.955 degrees N, 4.79 degrees E). The time in the file name is the time of the end of the observation. Data are available for the entire land surface of the Netherlands. Pixels have 1 km spatial resolution. The radar in De Bilt stopped contributing to the composite in the course of January 2017. It was replaced by a new radar in Herwijnen. Hence, as of the end of January 2017 the composites are based on the data from both new KNMI weather radars (Den Helder at 52.955 degrees N, 4.79 degrees E and Herwijnen at 5.1381 degrees N, 51.8369 degrees E). From 19 September 2016 till the end of January 2017, one, two or even three radars may contribute to the composite. This dataset is also available in NetCDF4 format via KNMI Data Platform. Note that the time in the file name is always the time of the end of the observation in UTC.
- Metadata ID
- 87b5b2a3-2316-4bd1-85ad-657a85b1b95a XML
- Taal
- English
- Karakterset
- utf8
- Hierarchisch niveau
- dataset
- Metadata datum
- 2025-01-07T08:00:15.429Z
- Metadata standaard naam.
ISO 19115
- Metadata standaard versie
ISO 19115:2003 NL Kernset 1.3 KNMI 1.1
- Metadata auteur
Organisatie Naam Contactpersoon Email Rol Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI)
- Landinstelling
Taalcode Tekencodering Nederlands; Vlaams Engels utf8
Ruimtelijke dekking
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